Legal Action and Hearing Loss Claims in Tepezza Lawsuits


Have you or someone you know been prescribed Tepezza for thyroid eye disease? If that’s the case, the following information is crucial for you.

Hearing loss, a fundamental aspect of people’s lives can become a concern when linked to medication use. Tepezza, designed to alleviate symptoms of thyroid eye disease, has been linked to unexpected hearing problems in some users.

The association has ignited a legal battle to hold its manufacturer accountable. Through this article, you will get clarity on how the legal action and claims are a part of the Tepezza lawsuit.

Understanding Tepezza and Its Side Effects


Tepezza is a prescription medication primarily used to treat thyroid eye disease (TED), a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the eyes. It works by reducing inflammation and improving eye-related symptoms in TED patients.

Advocacy For Patients reported an analysis based on the third phase of its data. It demonstrated an 82.9% rate of success and further benefits in patients who finished all eight treatments. Following this, approval was granted as TED has been successfully treated with Tepezza with effectiveness.

Nevertheless, despite Tepezza’s success in treating this condition, current research has found a troubling link between the medication and hearing loss.

Like many medications, Tepezza comes with potential side effects. While some are relatively mild, others can be more serious. Common, less severe side effects may include headache, muscle pain, or nausea. However, this article focuses on a more concerning potential side effect: hearing loss.

Hearing loss is not typically expected with Tepezza use, and the exact cause of the medication remains under investigation. However, it’s important to understand that if you or someone you care about has this issue, you should see a doctor immediately.

Tepezza Lawsuits: An Overview


As concerns regarding hearing loss emerged among Tepezza users, legal actions began to unfold. Individuals who experienced hearing problems after taking Tepezza started seeking justice and compensation for their suffering through the Tepezza lawsuit.

The Tepezza hearing loss lawsuit has gained momentum recently as more cases have come to light. These lawsuits allege that the medication’s manufacturer, Horizon Therapeutics, failed to provide adequate warnings about the potential risk of hearing loss associated with Tepezza. It has left them with unexpected health challenges and expenses.

It aims to determine the drug manufacturer’s responsibility in properly warning consumers about the risks associated with Tepezza.

TruLaw notes that you can sue the manufacturer for the deafness and any associated costs. These include things like out-of-pocket expenses and medical care. Additionally, with a product liability claim, you can submit a claim to the manufacturer’s liability insurance provider.

The outcomes of these lawsuits will likely set a precedent for how pharmaceutical companies communicate potential side effects to patients in the future.

Hearing Loss Claims: Causes and Effects


One possibility is that Tepezza, designed to reduce eye inflammation, may inadvertently affect the inner ear for hearing. It could lead to damage or dysfunction in the auditory system, resulting in hearing impairment.

The effects of hearing loss extend far beyond mere inconvenience. It can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, affecting their ability to communicate, work, and engage in social activities. Hearing loss can lead to emotional distress, isolation, and added medical expenses for treatments, hearing aids, or cochlear implants.

Legal Action Taken in Tepezza Lawsuits

Tepezza lawsuits typically fall into the category of product liability claims. It means that plaintiffs are alleging that the medication was defective. Also, the manufacturer failed to warn them about the potential risks, including hearing loss.

Another approach involves pursuing the lawsuit via Multidistrict Litigation (MDL), as outlined by Medtruth. For instance, a group of cases filed in federal courts focusing on Tepezza-related physical harm was recently approved. These cases revolve around tinnitus or hearing loss, which plaintiffs claim resulted from the actions of the drug manufacturer, Horizon Therapeutics.

The Tepezza MDL was established on June 5, despite Horizon Therapeutics’ argument that there were insufficient pending cases. Towards the end of June, Judge Durkin convened the initial status meeting with both parties involved. However, till July 2024, a total of 34 Tepezza cases have been consolidated within the MDL.

In these lawsuits, plaintiffs seek various compensation, including medical expenses related to their hearing issues and many more. The legal process for these cases involves gathering evidence, testimonies, and negotiations between the parties involved.

The Role of Legal Representation

An attorney specializing in product liability or pharmaceutical litigation can help you navigate the intricacies of your lawsuit. They will work on your behalf to gather evidence, build a strong case, and negotiate with the manufacturer’s legal team or insurers.

One of the key advantages of legal representation is that it provides you with access to resources. Attorneys can consult medical specialists who can explain the link between Tepezza and hearing loss, strengthening your claim. They can also assess the extent of your damages and help determine the appropriate compensation you should seek.

Regulatory Agencies and Their Involvement

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the primary agency overseeing the approval in the United States. It also monitors and checks the safety of drugs like Tepezza.

When reports of potential side effects, such as hearing loss, emerge, regulatory agencies like the FDA take action. They investigate these reports, analyze data, and may issue warnings or updates to inform healthcare providers and the public about any safety concerns.

In the case of Tepezza, regulatory agencies can influence the legal landscape by providing insights into the medication’s safety profile. This information can be significant for individuals pursuing legal action, as it may support their claims of inadequate warnings or defective product design.

Ongoing Developments and Future Outlook


Firstly, the lawsuits themselves will evolve. They may lead to settlements between plaintiffs and the manufacturer, with compensation being awarded to those who have experienced hearing loss. Alternatively, some cases might go to trial, setting legal precedents that can impact future claims.

Regulatory agencies like the FDA will also play a crucial role. Their findings and recommendations regarding Tepezza’s safety can prompt drug labeling or usage guidelines changes.

For instance, according to Drugwatch, Horizon updated the drug’s label with the warning in July 2024. It states that Tepezza has the potential to cause significant hearing loss, some of which may be irreversible. Examine the patients’ hearing during, before, and after Tepezza therapy. Also, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of treating the patients.

It has taken a long process ever since 2021; research found the risk of hearing loss was reported in 65% of patients. Now, it has finally happened, thanks to regulatory agencies and rising pressure from litigation.

Tepezza Hearing Loss Claims Requires Attention

Tepezza hearing loss claims are a complex and evolving issue that requires careful attention. People who believe they have experienced hearing loss due to Tepezza must consider legal action. However, they should also stay informed about ongoing developments, including research and regulatory agency findings.

Legal representation can be crucial in navigating these lawsuits, seeking compensation, and advocating for justice.